Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Playstation 5

Starting From Rs 17,950.00
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Rs 20,200.00
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Rs 17,950.00

or 3 X Rs 6,733.33 with Koko

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An expansion featuring an all-new story set in the Realm of Shadow, imbued with mystery, perilous dungeons, new enemies and items.

The Realm of Shadow. A place obscured by the Erdtree.
Where the goddess Marika first set foot.

A land purged in an unsung battle.
Set ablaze by Messmer’s flame.

It was to this land that Miquella departed.
Divesting himself of his flesh, his strength, his lineage.
Of all things Golden.

And now Miquella awaits the return of his promised Lord.

A deep and engaging new story
Guided by Empyrean Miquella, players are beckoned to the Realm of Shadow, a place obscured by the Erdtree where the goddess Marika first set foot. In these strange new lands, players discover the dark secrets of the world as they meet others who follow in Miquella’s footsteps with ulterior motives.

Travel an uncharted world
Shadow of the Erdtree takes players beyond the Lands Between to explore the Realm of Shadow, a completely new world in Elden Ring. Players can seamlessly travel back and forth between its vast maps interspersed with diverse situations and meticulous dungeons where menacing enemies roam.

Expanded abilities and items
Shadow of the Erdtree adds new weapons, equipment, weapon skills and magic not found in the base game, along with new enemies, boss encounters and plotlines to further increase players’ RPG freedom. Take on these threats with the new powers you can acquire.

How to access Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
To access the Realm of Shadow, players must defeat two optional bosses in the Lands Between: Starscourge Radahn and Mohg, Lord of Blood.

Once they are beaten, you can start this brand-new chapter in the Elden Ring story by touching the withered arm emerging from the cocoon found at the site of the Mohg boss battle.

Reaching both imposing foes and besting them poses a considerable challenge. If you’ve yet to encounter them, here are some useful tips to help you on the path to the Realm of Shadow.

Location: To reach him, you must first trigger the Radahn Festival, which temporarily transforms Redmane Castle in Caelid into a waiting area for other warriors hoping to fell the legendary Radahn. The simplest way to do this is by activating any Site of Grace in Altus Plateau. Once at the castle, you will find a portal that takes you to the battle.

Starscourge Radahn battle tips:
You can summon NPCs to support you – look out for summon signs placed around the battlefield.
Make use of Torrent’s speed and agility during the battle.
Radahn is incredibly weak to Scarlet Rot – if you have Rotten Breath (purchased at the Dragon Communion Altar in Caelid), you can inflict this affliction with just a couple of hits.

“The Red Lion General wielded gravitational powers which he learned in Sellia during his younger days. All so he would never have to abandon his beloved but scrawny steed.”
Background: Once one of the mightiest demigods, now a feral, Scarlet Rot-infested shadow of his former self, the enormous Starscourge Radahn is still a force to be reckoned with.

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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Playstation 5

Starting From Rs 17,950.00
Cash Price
Rs 20,200.00
Bank Transfer
Rs 17,950.00

or 3 X Rs 6,733.33 with Koko

In stock